This is how our customers rate us
Opinions of our customers

(0.00 / 5 stars) out 134 reviews
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5 / 5 of ShopVoter-3742913
date: 2023-01-19 17:28:46
Qualität und vorallem der Kundenservice sucht seines Gleichen. Top, top,...
4.71 / 5 of Aaron Nervgockel
date: 2022-08-15 17:53:24
Schneller Versand, direkter Kundenservice und besser verpackt als die Satire...
5 / 5 of ShopVoter-3433861
date: 2022-08-05 11:03:16
Die Pfeife sieht einfach perfekt aus! Man denkt sich bei so einer Masse, dass...
5 / 5 of ShopVoter-3323865
date: 2022-04-04 17:03:34
Alles super. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Endergebnis. Habe zwei Pfeifen...
5 / 5 of ShopVoter-3065099
date: 2021-10-28 07:53:00
Immer wieder macht es einen rießen Spaß dort Wasserpfeifen und mehr...
5 / 5 of ShopVoter-2923384
date: 2021-07-19 07:14:39
Ich kann den Shop absolut weiterempfehlen! Von der Beratung und dem Know-How...
5 / 5 of ZufriedenerKunde31
date: 2021-03-31 13:52:21
Guter Shop, der sich vom Sortiment von anderen klar abhebt, faire Preise und...
5 / 5 of Hookah-Master
date: 2021-03-16 11:08:42
Immer wieder eine Freude hier zu bestellen, die Auswahl, die Beratung und der...
Wasserpfeifen & mehr VIP
After your 3rd order you will automatically become a VIP customer * at Wasserpfeifen & mehr. You will receive from your 4th order permanently between 2% and 5% discount (depending on product group) on further orders. Without annoying coupons! The discount is permanently stored in your customer account* and automatically deducted in the shopping cart for subsequent orders. Exception is hookah tobacco, here discounts are prohibited for legal reasons.
* To enjoy the benefits of being a VIP customer, you need to have a customer account with us. More info here!

Free shipping from 99 Euro
We ship your order from an order value of 99 euros within Germany free of shipping costs!
The shipping costs to our European neighboring countries and to the rest of the world, please refer to our information under Shipping and payment terms
Selected manufacturer at Wasserpfeifen und mehr
Order Hookahs & Accessories
We at hookahs and more are constantly on the lookout for new, innovative or beautiful from the world of hookah. At Hookah Accessories we carry products that we have partly tested ourselves, or specially developed and produced; in the highest quality and exclusive.We love tradi pipes, traditional shisha, especially Syrian hookahs, otherwise everything around Hookah, hookahs and accessories, aljamal hookahs, Kinimod SMS Hookah, Ocean Hookah, Elmas Originale, Khalebbo, El Nefes, Shishaofen. We also offer extensive Hookah accessories such as Hookah charcoal lighters, goatskin hoses and much more to make a special Hookah! So, if you want to buy a special Hookah / hookah, then you are right here!

Advice and service on the subject of hookah
..... is at the top of our list, for questions about your order, about our products, but also if you are undecided what is the right hookah for you, contact us! Use our contact form, of course we are also available by phone at 09171 890608 and by email mail@wasserpfeifenundmehr.de. You are important to us! We don't want the hookah you bought to be just a decoration in the corner because something doesn't "fit". Ask us!aljamal Hookahs
We are we the manufacturer of aljamal Hookah and therefore the primary contact when it comes to this wonderful, exclusive and beautiful hookah. aljamal is the traditional Hookah for all senses, try it. More information about our aljamal Shisha, aljamal hookah, aljamal su, ard and Lualiwa can be found on our aljamal website at aljamal-shisha.de/en/

Buy hookah tobacco online at Wasserpfeifen & mehr
Hookah tobacco is the most significant thing in hookah smoking, without hookah tobacco, of course, it does not work. Hookah tobacco is taste decisive and decisive for smoke development - a lot of smoke - a lot of taste. There is a never-ending number of different manufacturers, and every hookah smoker has his or her favorites. One likes fruity hookah tobacco, the other prefers dark (Dark Blend) earthy hookah tobacco such as Kismet and Darkside. The selection, with us, is always growing, we are constantly testing and expanding our range. Currently, available manufacturers are Kismet Noir, Darkside hookah tobacco, Tumbaki, Aqua Mentha, Fumari, Black Horus and Fibdis. Black Horus is one of the strongest hookah tobacco varieties ever.
In this sense, your team of hookahs & more welcomes you and wishes you much fun browsing our store!
More information about us!
Keywords related to this page: buy hookah, hookah, beautiful hookah, hookah store, aljamal, Tradi, Darkside hookah tobacco, Kismet hookah tobacco